
  • Drip. Drop, drop, drop. The pangs of rain fell on the window boxes. I rolled over in bed and shrank back into the covers each time I heard it. It was time to rise, but I wouldn’t get up. I had already rolled over three times.
  • Drip.Drop,drop,drop. The sky had opened up, and I rolled on my back, staring at the ceiling. The sounds of the storm suddenly make me want to get up, but I am pressed to the bed.
    Drip. Drop, drop, drop. The wind swept the rain sideways across my window. I sat up, pulled my clothes on, and pushed the laundry at my feet into the hamper. I had conquered the monotony of the storm.
  • Drip. Drop, drop, drop. The car swerved in the pelting rain. I slowed down and felt the struggle in front of me. I made my way towards the exit ramp and pulled over.
    Drip. Drop, drop, drop. I heard the rain on my campground tent. The unknown 
  • wilderness surrounded me, and I was squirming in my sleeping bag with my clothes. I felt I had conquered the raindrops and moved towards a lifted spirit.

Choosing a theme to write!

Choosing a theme such as Spring can open up feelings and sensations to begin to write. Let your eyes search for signs of spring then write about the wonders of nature. Spying wrens, crocus, pussy willows with ice on them have been spring signs written in verse. Find a sound to go with your idea repeat it create space for it on your paper like


the speck of snow

glistens on the opal gem.

Evoking the Muse


As always the muse can take flight and muddle the mind with chaos. She is a fickle friend who needs to be coddled with care. I invoke the muse after a long walk and a cup of tea and sing a mantra. The muse usually joins me in my deliberations of thought.

Poetry writing

Poetry writing is a wonderful pastime if you have a passion for words.  Connecting images as a painter or creating a sublime meaning or simply rhyme can make creating poetry an integral puzzle.  Try composing a simple narrative poem by looking at a picture, capture your images and create a puzzle out of your ideas. Or try focusing on an idea and generate as many thoughts as you can about your idea. Compose it, reflectively and uncover your poet.